Reach More Clients with a Featured Listing

Get started for as little as $30/month

Become a Featured Listing
Become a Featured Listing

We want you to be happy with your Featured Listing. If you’re not satisfied after 60 days, we’ll give you a full refund.

Increase Visiblity

Drive More New Customers

Each year, our directories reach over one-million drivers searching for an independent mechanic to service their vehicles. Make sure they find you first by becoming a Featured Listing.

10x as many page views
  • Standard Listing
  • Featured Listing

10x Visibility

Featured Listings receive 10x as many visitors as Standard Listings. On average, 1 out of every 6 visitors places a phone call to a shop.

Featured Listing Success Stories


I know one thing: This is probably the best thing marketing-wise we’ve ever done. We have so many people finding us on the internet because of this.

Guy, Owner
Euro Motors
Huntington Beach, CA
Guy Mish

In just the last two weeks I can equate $10,000 worth of business from your sites!

Guy Mish, Manager
Wicked Wrench Auto Works
Lutz, FL
Read More Success Stories

Featured Listing Benefits

Featured Listing

Prominent Placement

Be at the top of local searches in our directories. Your shop will also be advertised on nearby competitor’s standard listings.

Detailed Descriptions

Use your listing to set your shop apart. Provide viewers with information like shop awards & affiliations, staff bios, and certifications.

Mobile Friendly

About half of our traffic is from mobile devices. Our directories are responsive and optimized to encourage mobile click-to-call actions.

Photos & Media

Add logos, photos, special offers and other media to give potential clients a better picture of your business.

Call Tracking

Take advantage of our optional call tracking numbers to be alerted when a call comes through via your Featured Listing.

Client Testimonials

Use your Featured Listing to share your best client testimonials from around the web. We can display them and link back to the source.

Ready to Drive More Customers to Your Shop?
Call us at (404) 631-6120 for more information or sign up now.
Become a Featured Listing