We specialize only in BMW repair and Mini Cooper repair in Sacramento, CA!
Try our expert BMW service. You will be very happy you did!
- We use only BMW parts to protect your investment!
- Our tools are state of the art and we will diagnose the problem on your BMW the first time in order to avoid extra unnecessary expenses!
- We have many satisfied customers and most of our business is by referrals!
- If you are buying a BMW or Mini, we will pre-purchase inspect it for you to make sure it is in good working order!
- If you need a local ride, we will provide one!
- If you need to wait, we have very comfortable accommodations with a big TV screen and WI-FI for your convenience!
Our BMW repair knowledge is very high and we are very experienced! Come see our BMW/MINI service facility and our operation in Sacramento today!
Our slogan is: "BABY YOUR BEAMER."
We appreciate your interest in us!
Lubo and crew