Winter BMW Care: Choosing the Right Oil For Your BMW in Winter

Published 1 month ago — by Lisa Federico

Choose the right oil for your vehicle in winter

Choose the right oil for your BMW in winter
Photo Credit: Carodean Road Designs

Everyone knows you need to get routine oil changes for your BMW…but did you know that choosing the correct oil in colder winter temps is key to keeping your engine out of trouble and running smoothly? Here’s how to make sure you are using the correct oil.

Check Owner’s Manual: First and foremost consult with your owner’s manual. This will specify the recommended oil viscosity grades for both summer and winter for your particular make and model. Look for a “W” in the oil grade, which stands for “winter.”

Understand Oil Viscosity Ratings: Engine oil is rated by viscosity, or it’s flow at specific temperatures. The viscosity rating consists of 2 numbers. The first number indicates how the oil flows in cold temps (a lower number means the oil flows better in the cold). The second number means viscosity at highest temperatures (a higher number here indicates oil that is thicker at operating temps).

Consider Synthetic Oil: Synthetic oils are formulated to maintain better flow in cold temperatures. They will generally flow more easily, protect your engine and are more resistant to breakdown (so they last longer!).

Avoid Using High-Viscosity Oil: Certain oils may be too thick for winter use, especially in extreme cold. These oils can increase engine wear at startup because they won’t flow as freely when cold.

Get an Oil Change Before Winter: It’s a good idea to switch to winter-appropriate oil early if your oil change interval is near. It’s never too early to be prepared for the upcoming temperature drop that happens every year.

Keep your engine protected and performing its best in cold temperatures by having your local BMW repair specialist perform an oil change.