I took my 2007 BMW X3 to these guys a couple months back and asked them to changed my pads and rotors, adjust my emergency brake, and change the differential fluid (i brought my own). They did everything I asked and at a very good price, but after the emergency brake adjustment, i drove it home and tested the brake out on a hill, only to find out that it didn't hold. I went back and they gladly tightened it up for me. However, driving back after the second adjustment there was a wobble from the driver's rear tire then a thud. It seems as though my car only grips on the passenger rear tire now when emergency brake is applied. I seems as though they over tightened it.
Overall, they did a great job replacing my rotors and pads, but I was not satisfied with the emergency brake. Since then, I have moved to VA and have begun looking for another Independent shop.
I can't say that I would recommend the shop, but I can't really say that I would bad-mouth it either.