Auto Services Solutions

318 Fairground St,
Marietta, GA 30061 US
2 Reviews
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BMW repair and service in Marietta, GA and Cobb County.

2 Reviews

  • Winston Hemmi
    Winston Hemmi10 years ago

    Hi I Am Hemmi, John is a family friend and one in a million he fix my Bmw with no diagnostic fee ,where can you get, that no where ,he fix my sister bmw engine light my brother wheel bearing oil seal ,am now taking my chevy express for a plug change,oil change,wire change ,oh yes he does american cars too i do recommeded he is a great Engineer Mechnic ,

    2003 BMW 335i
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  • D. Smith
    D. Smith10 years ago

    Jon is great with foreign cars. He fixed a problem that would've been very expensive anywhere else. His team is knowledgeable & very timely. Good things

    2006 BMW 525i
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